Books for Guided Imagery: Imagine That! and Other Books

Although the practices of meditation has been in existence for longer than we have had records, it is only in recent times that the mainstream population have started to take notice of it. There is much documented evidence on the beneficial effects of meditation on the mind and body and it is not only good for adults – itContinue reading “Books for Guided Imagery: Imagine That! and Other Books”

Right Brain Education Resources: The Brain Buddies

What is Right Brain Education? Right Brain Education is a learning program designed to help children utilise and boost both sides of the brain — the logical left brain and the creative right brain. When both sides of the brain function seamlessly, true genius and intelligence — both intellectual and emotional — can shine. TheContinue reading “Right Brain Education Resources: The Brain Buddies”

TweedleWink Play House @Neo Damansara – Right Brain Preschool

We are firm believers in the importance of the preschool years because they provide the vital foundation for a child’s future learning, therefore the selection of a preschool must be undertaken with as much care and attention as you would for the later years of your child’s education. We occasionally receive requests from parents for preschool recommendations so I would like toContinue reading “TweedleWink Play House @Neo Damansara – Right Brain Preschool”

Apps: Right Brain Kids – Wink, Phonics and PhotoEyeplay

Right Brain Kids have Apps! Now you can take your home practice with you anywhere you go… Into the Universe What is it about? Into the Universe is the first of a series of short books for the Right Brain Kids Wink Adventure Series. It playfully introduces the seven steps of the Wink: Right BrainContinue reading “Apps: Right Brain Kids – Wink, Phonics and PhotoEyeplay”

Right Brain Education: Speed Play Flash Cards for Little Reader – Bundle 1

In Right Brain Education, Speed Play with flash cards is an important activity not so much for giving knowledge to children but for stimulating the right brain and activating the left brain. Additionally, it also helps to develop the brain’s photographic memory function and to build the connection between the left and right brain – which isContinue reading “Right Brain Education: Speed Play Flash Cards for Little Reader – Bundle 1”

Right Brain Education: Speed Play Flash Cards for Little Reader

In Right Brain Education, Speed Play with flash cards is an important activity not so much for giving knowledge to children but for stimulating the right brain and activating the left brain. Additionally, it also helps to develop the brain’s photographic memory function and to build the connection between the left and right brain – which isContinue reading “Right Brain Education: Speed Play Flash Cards for Little Reader”

The Ultimate Right Brain Math Program from Owlissimo

The Shichida Math Program was originally a 65 Day Math Program – the details of which you can read about here. Unfortunately, the details of the program were a bit vague and left open to interpretation from the notes. The program has since been re-released as the 63 Day Math Program and claimed to be even more effectiveContinue reading “The Ultimate Right Brain Math Program from Owlissimo”

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