Behaviour Modification: Changing Your Child’s Attitude Towards School

In an earlier post, I wrote about Aristotle’s school troubles being related to sibling rivalry and I was asking around for potential solutions. If you find yourself in a similar solution, here’s something that worked for us that we stumbled on recently… The following conversation took place one school morning when I was trying toContinue reading “Behaviour Modification: Changing Your Child’s Attitude Towards School”

What a Toddler Can Teach You About Behaviour Modification

My son is beginning to learn the art of behaviour modification… There have been a few incidents lately when Gavin had been starting to act up.  It was nothing serious – no temper tantrums or anything big, just little minor actions that require that “warning voice”.  Anyway, it appears that not only does Gavin nowContinue reading “What a Toddler Can Teach You About Behaviour Modification”

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