Babies: Stimulating Physical Development – Part 2

Read Part 1 According to How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Superb, there are several things you have to take note with regards to “tummy time”. 1. Firstly, you need to start as soon as possible after birth.  In some cultures, baby’s first movement occurs immediately after birth when the baby is placedContinue reading “Babies: Stimulating Physical Development – Part 2”

The Impact of Peripheral Negative Emotions on Babies

Is it my imagination or does Gareth wake up and start fussing every time he hears Gavin cry?  I’d been wondering what it is about night duty with my two boys that they seem to decide they both need me to attend to them at the same time?  After a little closer observation, I’ve comeContinue reading “The Impact of Peripheral Negative Emotions on Babies”

Babies: Stimulating Physical Development – Part 1

Before Gavin was born, hubby and I always joked about how we were going to train him to become the world’s next golf sensation.  The intention was to introduce him to golf when he turned two.  Unfortunately, Gavin showed no inclination for golf, or other physical activities for that matter.  Hubby says it was becauseContinue reading “Babies: Stimulating Physical Development – Part 1”

The Secret Language of Babies in Practice – Part 2

Despite listening to the “sounds” made by babies from The Secret Language of Babies, I’m afraid that I am no closer to understanding Gareth.  We’re still operating on the elimination process for identifying his needs.  To be quite honest, I’m not entirely sure if Gareth is even attempting to communicate with me using the SecretContinue reading “The Secret Language of Babies in Practice – Part 2”

The Secret Language of Babies in Practice

When I was reading up about teaching Sign Language to babies, I came across the theory of “The Secret Language of Babies” that is supposed to help every parent decode their baby’s needs before the crying even begins.  Since this code is only applicable in the first three months of life, I was never ableContinue reading “The Secret Language of Babies in Practice”

How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Superb

Having a second baby has made me ponder over all the things I wish I had done differently with Gavin.  It seems like there are so many things I want to do with Gareth that I never did with Gavin.  Going through it for the second time is good and bad, though.  On the oneContinue reading “How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Superb”

Breastfeeding Benefits for Babies

Although I have written before about breastfeeding and it’s benefits to mother and baby, I realise that I never really took an in depth look at how it was beneficial.  After recently reviewing the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers, I thought I really ought to follow up with an article on how breastfeeding benefits babies.Continue reading “Breastfeeding Benefits for Babies”

Diaper-Free Part 3 – Practicing Going Diaper-Free

In my previous post, I looked at how parents can learn their baby’s elimination cues.  In this post we’ll look at some of the more practical aspects of going diaper-free. The Benefits of Going Diaper Free There are many benefits associated with practicing diaper-free: saves the environment – less disposable diapers, less washing of reusableContinue reading “Diaper-Free Part 3 – Practicing Going Diaper-Free”

Diaper-Free Part 2 – Learning Your Baby's Elimination Cues

Continuing on from my earlier post on the Diaper-Free Movement, this post examines how parents can learn to read their baby’s elimination cues and practice the art of going diaper-free. How Do You Learn a Baby’s Elimination Cues? There are essentially four ways you can do this, although a combination approach is usually the wayContinue reading “Diaper-Free Part 2 – Learning Your Baby's Elimination Cues”

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